Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Things are heating up for Nardina Alongi freelance translation scammer

Good news - 9 freelancers who haev been scammed are taking a joint action against Ms Alongi

We also believe that GK and NA were operating together in a fraudulent way. We also believe it will not be possible to get any money out of GK. With all this cheating of translators it is indeed a question where all the money went. As this is not a major fraud case the state prosecution office will be hardly interested in following up all the leads although, clearly, this practice falls under criminal law.
Of course we can try and arrange the enforcement of several debts from several translators. This does indeed make sense in order to share costs and the risk. We believe all of you have a solid case, even regarding GK as NA continued to operate under this brand. As I mentioned before if she continues under the brand, she is liable according to § 25 of the German Commercial Code. When it comes to Greenlandic-Transl it appears to be solely the responsibility of NA. Having said this, it would be ideal to sort out who else has been cheated by Greenlandic-Transl or some other company directly controlled by NA.
For GK, if he filed bankruptcy in 2011, he should not have been able to be the owner and director of GK any longer.

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