Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Greenlandic translations, Nardina Alongi and Novum Verlag scam discovered on Facebook

Das einzigartige Geschäftsmodell dieses Verlages besteht im gewerbsmäßigen Vertrieb von Plagiaten unter wissentlicher und willentlicher Verletzung des deutschen Urheberrechts. Über einen in München ansässigen Mittelsmann namens Greenlandic Translations (vormals Globale Kommunikation) werden von Novum gewerbsmäßig Übersetzungen von Manuskripten beauftragt, diese aber nicht bezahlt, sondern abgeleitete Versionen derselben als Raubkopien gedruckt und in Umlauf gebracht. Im Einzelnen verstößt dieses Unternehmen regelmäßig gegen UrhG §§ 2, 13, 19a und 23.
"Inzwischen sind mehrere Strafverfahren gegen den Novum-Verlag und seinen Helfershelfer Greenlandic Translations wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung und vorsätzlichen Betrugs anhängig." Betroffen ist u. a. das Buch "Jetzerla" der Novum-Autorin Marie Likisch.

Translation reads in English:

Meanwhile, several criminal proceedings against the Novum-Verlag and its accomplices Greenlandic Translations for copyright infringement and intentional fraud are pending. This affects among other things the book "Jetzerla" the novelty-author Marie Likisch.

I leave this without comment.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Scamming operation - Considering the weight of evidence published here how can Nardina Alongi defend scamming freelance translators.

Concerning Nardina Alongi and Greenlandic translations certain things always struck me over the sporadic cooperation I had with them - and how her scamming operation worked.

A brief resume of points that made be suspicious of Nardina Alongi as a professional business:

(1) The freelancers she employed changed constantly. I mean she had difficulty finding German > English freelancers - I mean even one or two and that language combination is rather common but no one would work for her - quite apart from the miserable pay and the impossible deadlines.

(2) Nardina Alongi constantly complained to me about other freelancers behind their backs. Even when under short deadlines from her it was extremely difficult to get rid of her on Skype and  her constant moaning about the quality of translations she received - although she is a staunch preacher of the 4 eye principle this basically never happened. Everything was last minute and often you were caught to translate something then in the middle to stop and translate something else which someone else had screwed up. The whole process was chaotic, unprofessional and she kept losing documents and asking for them again 2 or 3 times. This is not the hallmark of any translation agency worth its salt.

(3) Nardina Alongi is not a translator or reviser herself - in any language as far as I know. Her English is far from fluent. It is unusual to find people who are not translators or were translators running a translation agency.

(4) Her technical assistants changed constantly. They always - in her eyes - turned out wrong. I can name at least four in two years who have nothing to do with her and WANT nothing to do with her - without knowing the reasons - be they Turkish, Macedonian, Italian etc - they have all stepped back.

(5) Concerning payments when it suited her she would take charge of the situation when not she said she had nothing to do with finances that was the domain of her colleague Peter Rudolph but there was no clear delineation of duties. Today this, tomorrow that - just whatever pleased Nardina Alongi. She also lied on several occasions that payment had been made and she was then supposedly checking things with her bank to see what had happened. Nothing had happened other than Nardina Alongi lying to suit herself is what came out in the end. No conscience, nothing - just cock and bull stories to gain more time.

I hope that freelancers get a chance of read of these experiences before even thinking of working for her - at the prices she pays, take a step forward and let her find some other freelancer to fall into her trap.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fraud Squad now looking into Nardina Alongi and Greenlandic Translation

Latest news from Codex this morning:

Just for the record: I know from reliable sources that the criminal police and public attorney are now  investigating against Greenlandic Translations because of alleged fraud. Have the courage, folks! Go to the police! You may do so even online at this address: www.online-strafanzeige.de/ . Select any Federal Country, they will forward the files to the criminal police of Munich.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

And Martin should know Nardina ALongi is a scammer of the worst kind

Globale Kommunikation and its CEO Nardina Alongi are an embarrassment to the industry. They pay rock bottom prices (0.03-0.04/word), behave unprofessionally and simply stop paying their translators. They also operate under the company names GREENLANDIC TRANSLATIONS, BUCHÜBERSETZUNG.COM und LINGUAPOLY. Don't expect anything to be different from these companies as they are all run by the same woman. She deserves to go to court for everything that she has stolen from countless people. An absolute liar.

Nardina Alongi freelance translation scammer using Solomon here to comment

Nardina Alongi, folks, has resorted to using the name "Solomon" - she is so so wise - to respond to posts on this blog. Why Nardina Alongi does not use her own name will remain her secret - no prizes for guessing.

Anyway since she pays top dollar of 03 cents a word - sorry she says she will pay until you send an invoice and then the trouble starts. If I count up in Euros the money Nardina Alongi has swindled from freelancer translators you would get a shock. Thousand upon thousands of Euros. Just read the blog folks - Nardina Alongi earns her money stealing from freelancers.

And every day I find out more and more people leaving her services - from Macedonia to Turkey to Italy - at the end it always comes out. Nardina Alongi scams freelance translators.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why Nardina Alongi disgusts me and many others as a scammer

I have been following your blog posts and I'm shocked at how many translators these people have scammed. I did some work for them about 3 years ago and they did pay me back then, and so I was foolish enough not to do any research on them this time around. I was only surprised that their agency name had changed from Globale Kommunikation to Greenlandic-Translation. I'm thinking of contacting a collection agency in Germany. I have also corresponded with the German-American Chamber of Commerce and their legal department. They need to be stopped, and collectively we may be able to reach that goal.

I can confirm that everything the other translators have been complaining about, they have pulled on me as well as 2 other translators who had been working on the same project, a book translation proofreading. They are now saying that they won't pay because of the many mistakes that were made, and that the publisher is now sending it elsewhere to proofread. All lies...

If there is anything I can do to help stop these scumbags, please let me know.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

More proof that Nardina Alonghi is a chief

Good morning Colin, My name is xxxxxx, I am from Ukraine, and I have been worked for Nardina and her friend Peter 6 months ago. I did a couple of big projects for the total amount exceeding 3000 EUR. Up to this moment, I received no cent from Nardina. I would like to join the initiated proceedings to return my owed money.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nardina ALongi is getting out of her depth.

SO many people writing to me with their grievcances about Nardina ALongi and her scamming freelancers in order to make a living - she is the lowest of the low. I hoper she one day will look at herself in the mirror of her shabby apartment in Muncih and simply throw up. A scammer, a thief, a lier - that is her heritage ......unbelievable!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Some good news about scammer Nardina Alongi

She paid me, but only after I threatened to go to Inkasso and started the 'Mahnung' procedure. She had no complaints about my work and basically knew she would lose an Inkasso procedure, so I ended up getting paid after 4 months. 

She is a weird person. I remember she would call me on Skype and talk about her Arabian lover with whom she wasn't allowed to be alone with in the same room. She would go on about it for hours  - while I was trying to translate and meet a deadline - and then would ask me where the document was. She is actually crazy. 

Have the court proceedings started yet? I don't see why you guys would need to stall - you all have all the evidence you need to win the case. 

Nardina Alongi just cannot rip off enough freelance translators to be happy

A recent post I received which shows that the company they make such a bad job of running is claiming to be members of several associations of which they are not.

Nardina Alongi has no translation qualifications and Peter Rudolph does nto even speak English - what a gang. The tousands of Euros they have ripped off but this blog should be a warnign to every freelancer to check out Nardina Alongi's infamous thieving record before translating a word for her.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Even more freelancers scammed by Nardina Alongi

Nardina Alongi is criminal and a thief

Dear Mr Colin, 

I read your message about Peter and Nardina (too late for me) on the internet.
I am a victim of them too. I worked for about three months for them and did a lot of projects.
The total amount they owe me: EURO 2815,00. 
As you wrote, they cut all kind of communication, and don´t pay.
If you want, I can send you all emails and other evidence.

Best regards,

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A story I have also experienced with Nardina Alongi freelance translation scammer.

Bob Bazar

9 May (1 day ago)
to me
She paid me, but only after I threatened to go to Inkasso and started the 'Mahnung' procedure. She had no complaints about my work and basically knew she would lose an Inkasso procedure, so I ended up getting paid after 4 months. 

She is a weird person. I remember she would call me on Skype and talk about her Arabian lover with whom she wasn't allowed to be alone with in the same room. She would go on about it for hours  - while I was trying to translate and meet a deadline - and then would ask me where the document was. She is actually crazy. 

Have the court proceedings started yet? I don't see why you guys would need to stall - you all have all the evidence you need to win the case. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Nardina Alongi should know there are a lot of angry scammed freelance translators out there - See below

Re[3]: Non-payers, part 2 Nardina Alongi greenlandic-translations.com
Sender: Hans F 28-04-2015 03:07

Criminal Nardina also uses logos from different organisations of which she has no membershib of. She will be handed to the FBI, I have given her chance after chance AAND her partner Peter, after six months they still have not paid what they owe me! Unbelievable. Today she told me to shame on me for writing reviews og´f these common criminals. Who dafuq does she think she is? She belongs behind bars. Let's hand her all over to the FBI http://www.fbi.gov/report-threats-and-crime - thank you, I hope she gets at least ten years

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Freelancer translator scammer Nardina Alongi

Globale Kommunikation - Nardina Alongi

Posted: 2014-11-29 by   Bob Bazar


Complaint Rating:  75 % with 4 votes
This company and its CEO Nardina Alongi should be avoided at all costs. They pay 0, 03 cents per word (which is price dumping) and simply stop paying you. Once you become somewhat angered by the non-payment and start pushing them, they cut off all communication. An absolute embarrassment to the industry. They have been banned from all major translation sites and have countless terrible reviews online. The only positive ones have been written by Nardina Alongi herself. A disgrace.

Not my own words but I agree completely.

The rubbish about Nardina Alongi's four eye principle for quality assurance of Greelandic Translations (scam company)

"The false claims of greenlandic translations - having scammed dozens of freelancers"

When you read on their website about their methods for ensuring quality it sounds rather impressive - unfortunately it is a load of bullshit and I should know as I worked with this company for longer than I should have - and they never paid.

No single translation from Nardina Alongi is reviewed by another translator or reviewer. The woman work sin such a chaotic and stupid manner that there is no time for any revision of translations. She takes on deadlines which are impossible for any free-lancer to meet and then sends the translation aty the last minute to the client. No wonder there are so many complaints. I was once asked by here to take a look at an English translation of a contract which was translated by a native SPANISH speaker - it was a load of useless crap. I did not change a word in the text and sent it back.

Nardina Alongi although she claims to be bilingual is not herself a translator and indeed I do not believe she has any translation qualifications - if she reads this she can correct me in the comments section. She offers lower than low rates (0.03 cents a word) even for the most urgent work - and it is all urgent because she cannot organise a piss up in a brewery poor woman.

Any freelancers who read this and decide to cooperate with Nardina Alongi - you do so at your own risk and I tell you now you will regret it. There is an English expression - she is too sweet to be wholesome.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

God save us Nardina Alongi tricks everyone with her scam for freeelance translators

All i can say is what a woman, Nardina Alongi scams freelance translators - that is the only way she can make money - she has no ther qualificatiosn and her Dr. in front of her name  - do not be fooled.

This woman is to the best of my knowledge a sociopath and even her daughter wrote to me that she is mentally ill.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Complaints about Nardina Alongi translation scam

Scam reports on Nardina Alongi just do not stop - see below

Hello Mr. Colin,

My name is Myroslava Kanar and was also a translator for Nardina. As of now her debt is 2000 euro.

I learned that you plan to file a lawsuit against her and I wanted to clearly estimate the chances we have.

If we manage to do it collective how many people do we need? What are the costs involved?

I am waiting for your answer.



So I guess another freelancer joins the list of those taking her to court for fraud.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Nardina Alongi of greenlandic translations previous globale-kommunikation.com scams her in-house staff

Poor Emil - unbelievable but we will get our justice from scammer Nardina Alongi.

Just received this evening:

Hi Colin,
You may remember we briefly worked for the same project last January, Hydro-Québec...
Well, I worked a lot this month for Nardina, and didn't get paid for it. After waiting for a reasonable amount of time and with no success trying to contact her, I wrote to Emil, whom you may know, and below is his answer:

Dear Madam Isabelle,
I am sorry that I must inform you that I don't have any contacts with Nardina any more. She has used my services as Operation Manager and as translator for about 4 months and paid me only 200 EUR for that. She lured me by always paying me for my services before. But on the other hand English-Macedonian, or English-Serbian translations are really rare and maybe that was the  reason why she did that. I feel really embarrassed that I had to address to my fellow colleagues about the translation's tasks in her behalf. Well, live and learn.
Sorry about this bad news Madam!
Be careful and contact Mr Collin McCullough if you want to join him in the legal proceedings that he is starting against her. 
I am living on Balkans, so I don't think that I can succeed anything against her.

I found the posts very enlightening and would be happy to contribute in any way if something can be done. I also sent the link to Sophie Gras in the United States, who is in the same situation. This is an utterly despicable behaviour and I hope we, the cheated, can somehow put a stop to it.

Wish you a good day in spite of everything!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Companies are becoming aware of the scams of Nardina Alongi with freelance translators: See below

xxxxxxxxx has sent the following message to you from your profile page at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Dear Colin,
I hope this message finds you well.

I have been in Contact with N. Alongi regarding a collaboration but have become aware of the negative comments online about her.

However, she (obviously) explains the lack of payments with low translation quality and says that the translations was pretty much done with Google Translate.

Could you please tell me something that can confirm that she is a scammer so that we can refrain from working with unprofessional people? Apparently there are many people complaining at her, correct?

Many thanks for your input in advance!

Yes folks, Colin gave his input.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Notice from an ex-collague of Nardina Longi about scamming

Just received this morning about Nardina Alongi attempted scam according to client

12:24 (19 minutes ago)
to me
seems she tried other scamming before she got into the translation industry....

RE: NEW???
Ich hoffe du kriegst diese Nachricht rechtzeitig. Ich habe einen Ausflug nach Aberdeen in Schkotland gemacht und dabei wurde meine Tasche mit Reisepass, Bargeld, und meine Kreditkarten gestollen. Habe schon meine Bank informiert, aber die Arbeiten nicht so schnell wie ich es haben will. Kannst du mir ein bischen Geld borgen damit ich alles erledigen kann und zur recht komme. Ich gebe dir das Geld so schnell wie möglich zuruck.

Das Geld durch Western Union ist die beste möglichkeit. Lass mich wissen Just got this one. I must be doing something one because i keep getting these. My husband told me i shouldnt open the mails. But, i have too if i want to get the good messages. This one lost her baggage and i should send her money. I might call her hotel thou if i have skype credit. i have nothing serious to do this morning and prepare for a good argument. good for my psyche.

"wenn du angaben zur meiner person brauchst (Name, Vorname ...) mich das Geld schiken zu können. Du kannst mich durch e-mail oder durch die Hotel Reception erreichen kann unter di nummer +4470

Ich warte auf deine Antwort.

Viele Grüsse,

Nardina Alongi

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The inhuman attitude of Nardina Alongi greenlandic translation and Peter Rudoph her accomplice in crime

Nardina Alongi sets on limits in scamming freelance translators

Just received this email which mnakes me sick to the heart abount Nardina Longi translation scams:

Please read:

Claus Corbett clauscorbett@gmail.com

17 Mar (7 days ago)
to me

I was talking to Janice Lunes and I'm finally accepting that I'm another victim of NardinaAlongi's scam. 

I was contacted by Anna Kalinska, a linguist working for her, saying that she needed a Brazilian Portuguese translator. She then sent me Nardina's skype contact and we started working together. She always asked for voice chats and talked about her family, asked about my sick mother, and we had several projects together. She paid me very quickly for the first month, but this week she was supposed to pay me for the third month we worked together (and the second, which she hasn't paid me for yet), and she's fallen off the grid.

She had asked me to add Janice Lunes on skype, who was supposed to be her project manager, and today I found out she's also been duped and isn's getting paid. Anna Kalinska is also unreachable. 

The first time I asked her about my February payment, she said she was just waiting for a client to pay. Now I can't talk to her, and she owes me almost 1400 euros - money that, converted to Brazilian Reais, would be enough for two months.

Not sure if I'll ever see that money, but if there's any way I can help stop her doing that to others, I'd be glad to help.

Claus Augustus Corbett

Friday, March 20, 2015


Folks, thanks for all your support in this compaign against scammer Nardna Alongi

Dear All 

who have been not paid by Nardina Alongi of Greenlandic Translations and Globale Kommunikation (now insolvent) please contact me directly.

We have now 12 freelancers ready to share the costs of legal proceedings. My lawyer says her only solution will be to declare bankruptcy but our title of claims remains for 30 years. Three of us are organising the legal case so spread the word. Nardina Alongi will go out of business even if she does not pay. Though, mind you, she was always smart enough to make someone else the CEO of the company - even her daughter it is rumoured.

Please send me your details to cmcster@gmail.com and one of the three leaders of the case will provide you with the details we require to transfer the debt to those taking the case.

Best to you all and death to scammer companies like Greenlanic translation.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sitejabber hits Nardina Alongi for scamming freelance translators

Nardina Alongi free lance translation scam on Sitejabber

Good news this evening folks:

You have 76 views and counting!
Why hello Colin,
Your review is getting attention!
76 other Jabbers have read your Greenlandic-Translations review.

You’re just 1 review away from your next badge. Keep going!
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Here’s a summary of how many reviews, votes, and views you’ve earned to date. See an excerpt of your most recent review below!

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“SIte owned by Nardina Alongi previously working as globale-kommunikation is a freelance translation scammer. She offers rock bottom translation prices and then very foten finds excuses nto to pay - client has not paid, work was unsatisfacto...”
see the entire review

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

More news aboutr Nardina Alongi translation scam


I was talking to Janice Lunes and I'm finally accepting that I'm another victim of Nardina Alongi's scam. 

I was contacted by Anna Kalinska, a linguist working for her, saying that she needed a Brazilian Portuguese translator. She then sent me Nardina's skype contact and we started working together. She always asked for voice chats and talked about her family, asked about my sick mother, and we had several projects together. She paid me very quickly for the first month, but this week she was supposed to pay me for the third month we worked together (and the second, which she hasn't paid me for yet), and she's fallen off the grid.

She had asked me to add Janice Lunes on skype, who was supposed to be her project manager, and today I found out she's also been duped and isn's getting paid. Anna Kalinska is also unreachable. 

The first time I asked her about my February payment, she said she was just waiting for a client to pay. Now I can't talk to her, and she owes me almost 1400 euros - money that, converted to Brazilian Reais, would be enough for two months.

Not sure if I'll ever see that money, but if there's any way I can help stop her doing that to others, I'd be glad to help.

Claus Augustus Corbett

Monday, March 16, 2015

Great news from Janice who is also taking court proceedings against translation scammer Nardina Alongi and Greenlandic Translations

Great to know how many reeflance translators regards Narnidna Alongi as a scammer - Beware Peter someone is contatcing your employer - not good

Janice Lunes noreply-comment@blogger.com

14:43 (6 hours ago)
to me
Janice Lunes has left a new comment on your post "The threatening tactics of Peter Rudolph against f...":

wow at least she still has the nerves to talk to you,. I have spent all me weekend calling her number as she is normally always available no problem i hope that my 200+ missed called will help her remember to call me back.

I'm just emailing as her boyfriend Peter know that I will contact all media outlets I have in my own portfolio to take this scam company down.

a little update on what I've been up to.
I have been checking Peter Rudolph his info where I could I found some companies he still works for and worked with and well I thought let me just put them in cc because maybe he would be available then.

I is smart to not respond with them in cc as I put them in every conversation now. when he again replies I will put another company in the cc so they can follow it even though they do not know what im talking about.

I hope they will ask Peter this personally

oh and YES I will join your team in taking legal actions please let me know how to proceed from here!

My note on the blog and the response of freelance translator scammer Nardina Alongi

Some people are just plain "dumb" - e.g. Nardina Alongi

Lates update on exchange with the "Lady" of freelance translation scammers, Nardina Alongi:

Dear Greenlandic translations,

I wish to inform you I have contacted both thebigword and CLS translations about your payments policies and will pursue the matter. My letters have been forwarded to the superiors of the "foot soldiers" I contacted. 

Many thanks Nardina for the email address at the bigword. 

The letters will appear on my blog tomorrow evening.

The very best to both of you.

Nardina Alongi via yahoo.com 

00:07 (19 hours ago)
to emilijanoszpt02annakalinskamepeter_rudolph70

Both companies are well informed that you have submitted on more than one occassion google translations to make easy money shame on you Colin, scam someone else

Shall I recall:

French-English projects for the Big Word and CLS came back with quality issues - we were informed you dod google translations
German-English book quality issues author rejected your translation work
Ayla Tigli Turkish translation office quality issues

Shall I continue the list of recalls -  get a life and a good attorney people are laughing at you and it is well know to all my partner agencies how lowsy you work.

This is my last email to you because from me you will not get one more job or Euro
Do as many campaigns as you want I stay in business and keep the honest linguists.