I have been following your blog posts and I'm shocked at how many translators these people have scammed. I did some work for them about 3 years ago and they did pay me back then, and so I was foolish enough not to do any research on them this time around. I was only surprised that their agency name had changed from Globale Kommunikation to Greenlandic-Translation. I'm thinking of contacting a collection agency in Germany. I have also corresponded with the German-American Chamber of Commerce and their legal department. They need to be stopped, and collectively we may be able to reach that goal.
I can confirm that everything the other translators have been complaining about, they have pulled on me as well as 2 other translators who had been working on the same project, a book translation proofreading. They are now saying that they won't pay because of the many mistakes that were made, and that the publisher is now sending it elsewhere to proofread. All lies...
If there is anything I can do to help stop these scumbags, please let me know.
I would not recommend this linguist for any translation work-poor quality and you will for sure get recalls because of a googl translation
ReplyDeleteAndreas Möhn
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Möhn
- Buchautor - Übersetzer - Sprachprüfer - Videofilmer -
Mühlborngasse 1
65199 Wiesbaden
Tel.: (06 11) 4 28 03 56
Mail: andreas.moehn@alice-dsl.net
ReplyDeleteHere is the comment of the client about that book translation-great job you think you should get paid for that?
unsere Geduld ist nun wirklich zu Ende! Der Text ist immer noch nicht wirklich gut, und nicht mal alle von uns angemerkten Fehler wurden ausgebessert, einer wurde übersehen:
He was my first boyfriend and, thus my first big love.
è Hier definitiv kein Komma.
Und auch weiterhin weist der Text viele Grammatikfehler auf. Wir fragen uns, was da jetzt noch im Nachhinein für ein Lektorat gemacht wurde – einmal mit irgendeinem Programm drübergehen? Wir sind uns sicher, ein Muttersprachler hat da nicht mehr drübergelesen (oder sehr, sehr schlampig).
Weitere Fehler:
S. 4:
On Sundays he did something with the kids and we shared them according to their interests. I think we manage that in quite a modern way. The children were happy that way and I felt they were okay with it.
è Zeiten durcheinander
S. 5:
After a few days I also noticed that there were some prospects, who had poked around in my profile
But it would have been a miracle, if a date would have resulted from the first message, which it didn't.
-> jeweils kein Komma
So, to re-cap: I was now registered with at a dating agency with over 2 million members and had already received a reply within two days.
è Eine der beiden Optionen ist zu viel. Flüchtigkeitsfehler.
Since then I had felt as I had fallen into an emotional hole.
è Es fehlt ein “if” (as if I ..)
Some interesting message from the dating service might have arrived.
è Plural (passend zu “some”), oder: an interesting message.
Außerdem sind noch viele Formulierungen enthalten, die in unsren Ohren nicht wirklich muttersprachlich bzw. holperig klingen. Darüber könnte man jetzt natürlich wieder endlos diskutieren (wofür wir jedoch keine Zeit haben), aber hier nur mal einige Beispiele von Seite 5:
My first reaction was to cancel the registration immediately. -> Warum nicht einfach „unsubscribe“? Sie war ja schon auf der Seite registriert, die Registrierung kann man also nicht canceln, sondern nur die Mitgliedschaft …
Oder hier: Since then I had felt as I had fallen into an emotional hole. In a kind of state of emergency.
-> Hört sich seltsam an, mit den zweimal “of”, könnte definitive eleganter gelöst warden.
Every message was a hope that "Mr. Right" was available.
Now, I was infected by dating fever and very nervous.
è „infected with“ (a virus) ist wesentlich gebräuchlicher.
Unmögliche Übersetzung
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