Thursday, March 26, 2015

Notice from an ex-collague of Nardina Longi about scamming

Just received this morning about Nardina Alongi attempted scam according to client

12:24 (19 minutes ago)
to me
seems she tried other scamming before she got into the translation industry....

RE: NEW???
Ich hoffe du kriegst diese Nachricht rechtzeitig. Ich habe einen Ausflug nach Aberdeen in Schkotland gemacht und dabei wurde meine Tasche mit Reisepass, Bargeld, und meine Kreditkarten gestollen. Habe schon meine Bank informiert, aber die Arbeiten nicht so schnell wie ich es haben will. Kannst du mir ein bischen Geld borgen damit ich alles erledigen kann und zur recht komme. Ich gebe dir das Geld so schnell wie möglich zuruck.

Das Geld durch Western Union ist die beste möglichkeit. Lass mich wissen Just got this one. I must be doing something one because i keep getting these. My husband told me i shouldnt open the mails. But, i have too if i want to get the good messages. This one lost her baggage and i should send her money. I might call her hotel thou if i have skype credit. i have nothing serious to do this morning and prepare for a good argument. good for my psyche.

"wenn du angaben zur meiner person brauchst (Name, Vorname ...) mich das Geld schiken zu können. Du kannst mich durch e-mail oder durch die Hotel Reception erreichen kann unter di nummer +4470

Ich warte auf deine Antwort.

Viele Grüsse,

Nardina Alongi

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The inhuman attitude of Nardina Alongi greenlandic translation and Peter Rudoph her accomplice in crime

Nardina Alongi sets on limits in scamming freelance translators

Just received this email which mnakes me sick to the heart abount Nardina Longi translation scams:

Please read:

Claus Corbett

17 Mar (7 days ago)
to me

I was talking to Janice Lunes and I'm finally accepting that I'm another victim of NardinaAlongi's scam. 

I was contacted by Anna Kalinska, a linguist working for her, saying that she needed a Brazilian Portuguese translator. She then sent me Nardina's skype contact and we started working together. She always asked for voice chats and talked about her family, asked about my sick mother, and we had several projects together. She paid me very quickly for the first month, but this week she was supposed to pay me for the third month we worked together (and the second, which she hasn't paid me for yet), and she's fallen off the grid.

She had asked me to add Janice Lunes on skype, who was supposed to be her project manager, and today I found out she's also been duped and isn's getting paid. Anna Kalinska is also unreachable. 

The first time I asked her about my February payment, she said she was just waiting for a client to pay. Now I can't talk to her, and she owes me almost 1400 euros - money that, converted to Brazilian Reais, would be enough for two months.

Not sure if I'll ever see that money, but if there's any way I can help stop her doing that to others, I'd be glad to help.

Claus Augustus Corbett

Friday, March 20, 2015


Folks, thanks for all your support in this compaign against scammer Nardna Alongi

Dear All 

who have been not paid by Nardina Alongi of Greenlandic Translations and Globale Kommunikation (now insolvent) please contact me directly.

We have now 12 freelancers ready to share the costs of legal proceedings. My lawyer says her only solution will be to declare bankruptcy but our title of claims remains for 30 years. Three of us are organising the legal case so spread the word. Nardina Alongi will go out of business even if she does not pay. Though, mind you, she was always smart enough to make someone else the CEO of the company - even her daughter it is rumoured.

Please send me your details to and one of the three leaders of the case will provide you with the details we require to transfer the debt to those taking the case.

Best to you all and death to scammer companies like Greenlanic translation.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sitejabber hits Nardina Alongi for scamming freelance translators

Nardina Alongi free lance translation scam on Sitejabber

Good news this evening folks:

You have 76 views and counting!
Why hello Colin,
Your review is getting attention!
76 other Jabbers have read your Greenlandic-Translations review.

You’re just 1 review away from your next badge. Keep going!
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“SIte owned by Nardina Alongi previously working as globale-kommunikation is a freelance translation scammer. She offers rock bottom translation prices and then very foten finds excuses nto to pay - client has not paid, work was unsatisfacto...”
see the entire review

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

More news aboutr Nardina Alongi translation scam


I was talking to Janice Lunes and I'm finally accepting that I'm another victim of Nardina Alongi's scam. 

I was contacted by Anna Kalinska, a linguist working for her, saying that she needed a Brazilian Portuguese translator. She then sent me Nardina's skype contact and we started working together. She always asked for voice chats and talked about her family, asked about my sick mother, and we had several projects together. She paid me very quickly for the first month, but this week she was supposed to pay me for the third month we worked together (and the second, which she hasn't paid me for yet), and she's fallen off the grid.

She had asked me to add Janice Lunes on skype, who was supposed to be her project manager, and today I found out she's also been duped and isn's getting paid. Anna Kalinska is also unreachable. 

The first time I asked her about my February payment, she said she was just waiting for a client to pay. Now I can't talk to her, and she owes me almost 1400 euros - money that, converted to Brazilian Reais, would be enough for two months.

Not sure if I'll ever see that money, but if there's any way I can help stop her doing that to others, I'd be glad to help.

Claus Augustus Corbett

Monday, March 16, 2015

Great news from Janice who is also taking court proceedings against translation scammer Nardina Alongi and Greenlandic Translations

Great to know how many reeflance translators regards Narnidna Alongi as a scammer - Beware Peter someone is contatcing your employer - not good

Janice Lunes

14:43 (6 hours ago)
to me
Janice Lunes has left a new comment on your post "The threatening tactics of Peter Rudolph against f...":

wow at least she still has the nerves to talk to you,. I have spent all me weekend calling her number as she is normally always available no problem i hope that my 200+ missed called will help her remember to call me back.

I'm just emailing as her boyfriend Peter know that I will contact all media outlets I have in my own portfolio to take this scam company down.

a little update on what I've been up to.
I have been checking Peter Rudolph his info where I could I found some companies he still works for and worked with and well I thought let me just put them in cc because maybe he would be available then.

I is smart to not respond with them in cc as I put them in every conversation now. when he again replies I will put another company in the cc so they can follow it even though they do not know what im talking about.

I hope they will ask Peter this personally

oh and YES I will join your team in taking legal actions please let me know how to proceed from here!

My note on the blog and the response of freelance translator scammer Nardina Alongi

Some people are just plain "dumb" - e.g. Nardina Alongi

Lates update on exchange with the "Lady" of freelance translation scammers, Nardina Alongi:

Dear Greenlandic translations,

I wish to inform you I have contacted both thebigword and CLS translations about your payments policies and will pursue the matter. My letters have been forwarded to the superiors of the "foot soldiers" I contacted. 

Many thanks Nardina for the email address at the bigword. 

The letters will appear on my blog tomorrow evening.

The very best to both of you.

Nardina Alongi via 

00:07 (19 hours ago)
to emilijanoszpt02annakalinskamepeter_rudolph70

Both companies are well informed that you have submitted on more than one occassion google translations to make easy money shame on you Colin, scam someone else

Shall I recall:

French-English projects for the Big Word and CLS came back with quality issues - we were informed you dod google translations
German-English book quality issues author rejected your translation work
Ayla Tigli Turkish translation office quality issues

Shall I continue the list of recalls -  get a life and a good attorney people are laughing at you and it is well know to all my partner agencies how lowsy you work.

This is my last email to you because from me you will not get one more job or Euro
Do as many campaigns as you want I stay in business and keep the honest linguists.

Friday, March 13, 2015

You Tube comments on the scams of Greenlandic Translations and Nardina Alongi ex Globale Kommunikation (insolvent since 2012)

Need one add to the proof that Nardina Alongi is a freelance translation scammer? Read more ...

Hans Frederiksen

1 month ago (edited) are all owned by scammers Peter Rudolph and Nardina Alongi. Not only do they trick their translators into translating large projects within short deadlines and not pay, they also lie about their clients, other companies, blaming them for not paying, which is supposedly why they could not pay you. Where to report these very ill-minded companies?

I thought I would be the first but I should have known bettter!

YES they are scammers thank you HANS F for already explaining the story can't we not get together as I will take legal actions?

in the meantime I hope that all companies looking to work with this company think TWICE no 4 TIMES at least  because
I wonder if you will even receive your work.

I hope many people will see as I will make sure to share a link where I can
Read more

Terrible company that should be avoided at all costs. Its CEO Nardina Alongi is a liar and simply doesn't pay translators and cuts communication when confronted. This company also works under GREENLANDIC TRANSLATIONS, BUCHÜBERSETZUNGEN.COM and LINGUAPOLY. They have been banned from every major translation site. Dozens of similar reviews can be found all over the Internet. Look them up!!!! SCAMMER!

This agency are scammer! I have translated to them one doc into Danish and until now they ignore my message ,my calls...Persons who want to ensure could contact me directly!
Beware of this employer! This is Nardina Alongi and Peter Rudolph from translations agency Globale Kommunikation, Munich Germany. Now trying under new entity; Greenlandic Translantions. Already banned from other sites. A known non-payer. Promises and the prospect of nice jobs, but in the end does not pay. Only the threat of legal actions and contacting her client directly and threatening them with legal actions could make you receiving the payment in the end. Just Google these names and you''ll get the stories. Long and repetitive history of non-payment and swindle. Stay as far away from this employer as you can.”

The threatening tactics of Peter Rudolph against freelance translators - the right hand of Nardina Alongi.

Threats of Nardina Alongi and Greelandic Translations to freelancers require no comments

Below an email I just received from Mr Peter Rudolph - ex owner of Globale Kommunikation (insolvent)

Peter Rudolph

18:41 (26 minutes ago)
to me
Mach das aber am besten du ziehst um.
Meine letzte Mail an Dich denn ich Spame Dich.
Den ersten Fehler hast Du schon gemacht !
Danke Dir
Gut gemacht.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

You should move house.
My last email to you for I will spam you
You have made your first mistake, well done
Thank you
Well done

I did the translation not google translate as Nardina Alongi would I imagine would say if she had to pay for it. All in all they seem pretty much at the end of the rope. I assume they are having trouble finding freelance translators to scam. So so sorry for Nardina Alongi.

Google "Nardina Alongi freelance translators" and see what you find

"More emails today from freelance translators scammed by Nardina Alongi and Greenlandic translations"

Sad but true, the blog I opened on Ms. Alongi and her non-payment of freelance translators is bringing reactions from many scammed freelancers. For example, I received this morning:

Janice Lunes
I have the same problems with her and want to all actions needed because I'm waiting for big payments
I'm happy to have found your message

Well Janice hope is finally on its way as now nine of us freelancers, thanks to one in Germany, we are taking a joint case in Munich - the reason is to reduce our legal costs. In total I estimate the amounts I knwo to be owed by Nardina Alongi to freelancers at something between Euro 20 000 to 30 000 if my maths is correct. This makes a class action worthwhile and I will contact Janice to see if she will join this group. Again, folks, please spread the word and let anyone you know who has been damanged by Globale Kommunikation, Greelandic Translations and Nardina Alongi to contact me directly at as I am coordinating the case.

Oh, to finish the day, a last message and threat from the iPAD of Peter Rudoph/ Nardina Alongi:

Wenn Du nicht aufhörst dann geht Dein Computer bald nicht mehr.
Deine Übersetzungen in mehrfacher Form die auch teilweise bezahlt wurden waren Google.
Mein Chef würde mich auch nicht  bezahlen, sondern noch was verlangen von mir.
Ich hätte für so einen Blödsinn keine Zeit.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

All I can suggest they should try and google themselves - I worked a lot on SEO in the past!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

News about Nardina Alongi freelance translation scams keeps pouring in

What a blog can do to stop Nardina Alongi translation scam of freelance translators

I am very encouraged. I have just received this:

Hello Colin,

A translation acquaintance just made me aware of your site regarding Nardina Alongi. I did some work for her myself a few years ago; I stopped accepting her jobs simply because of the laughably low rates she began to offer, and am glad I did. As someone who has been scammed two or three times in his career, I just wanted to say that I'm glad to see someone taking legal action and actually trying to punish the malefactor. I wish you the best of luck!



So fellow freelancers let us continue our legal case against Nardina Alongi and/or Peter Rudoph. No freelancer should worfk for these scammers. 


My aim is to put them out of business without freelancers whom they do not pay Nardina Alongi has nothing - apart from a Munich court case she can look forward to.

Things are heating up for Nardina Alongi freelance translation scammer

Good news - 9 freelancers who haev been scammed are taking a joint action against Ms Alongi

We also believe that GK and NA were operating together in a fraudulent way. We also believe it will not be possible to get any money out of GK. With all this cheating of translators it is indeed a question where all the money went. As this is not a major fraud case the state prosecution office will be hardly interested in following up all the leads although, clearly, this practice falls under criminal law.
Of course we can try and arrange the enforcement of several debts from several translators. This does indeed make sense in order to share costs and the risk. We believe all of you have a solid case, even regarding GK as NA continued to operate under this brand. As I mentioned before if she continues under the brand, she is liable according to § 25 of the German Commercial Code. When it comes to Greenlandic-Transl it appears to be solely the responsibility of NA. Having said this, it would be ideal to sort out who else has been cheated by Greenlandic-Transl or some other company directly controlled by NA.
For GK, if he filed bankruptcy in 2011, he should not have been able to be the owner and director of GK any longer.