I have been following your blog posts and I'm shocked at how many translators these people have scammed. I did some work for them about 3 years ago and they did pay me back then, and so I was foolish enough not to do any research on them this time around. I was only surprised that their agency name had changed from Globale Kommunikation to Greenlandic-Translation. I'm thinking of contacting a collection agency in Germany. I have also corresponded with the German-American Chamber of Commerce and their legal department. They need to be stopped, and collectively we may be able to reach that goal.
I can confirm that everything the other translators have been complaining about, they have pulled on me as well as 2 other translators who had been working on the same project, a book translation proofreading. They are now saying that they won't pay because of the many mistakes that were made, and that the publisher is now sending it elsewhere to proofread. All lies...
If there is anything I can do to help stop these scumbags, please let me know.